GlitchX is a livestreamed indie animation expo hosted by Glitch Productions. I was asked to design the logo and brand elements including stream graphics, transitions, overlays, and marketing material.
Design and Animation: Nathan Gamson
Illustration: Matt Gaglione
Animation: Ditzyflama
Stream Art: Neda Lay
Stream Art: Robin French
Client: Glitch Productions
I was asked to design a template for posters and program graphics with a layout and direction inspired by Japanese concert posters. These are used both in the introduction video and throughout social media, and they inform the design of many of the other on-stream elements.
Wouldn’t be GlitchX without a glitchy intro video!
Various other on-stream elements included “eyecatcher” transitions, countdowns, and custom overlays for each event. The overlays include additional elements inspired by retro UI design. There’s a bit of a Windows 3.1 influence combined with Mac OS.